Friday, October 24, 2008

NY Times Endorsements: 1860 to Present

The New York Times just endorsed Barack Obama. Ok, so I know that's not a big surprise, but after I read through the article, I noticed one of those lovely little multimedia tools that seem to be one of the Times's fortes.

This one lets readers scroll through a timeline of all of the paper's endorsements since 1860. You can also link to a pdf of the original article! I found a couple of interesting parts to the multimedia tool.

First, the Times has not endorsed a Republican since 1956 and second, the difference in the tones of each endorsement are rather stark. For instance, the 1860 endorsement of Abraham Lincoln features this quote.

Things will go on very much as they have hitherto - except that we shall have honesty and manliness instead of meanness and corruption in the Executive departments, and a decent regard for the opinions of mankind in the tone and talk of the Government on the subject of Slavery.

The utter boringness of this quote really underscores the man that they are endorsing. It also seems as if they were slow to grasp how divided the country was on the brink of the Civil War.

And how about this rather ominous quote from their 1996 endorsement of President Clinton.

The Presidency he once dreamed is still within his reach if he brings the requisite integrity to the next four years.

The tool is definitely worth a thorough perusal.

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